Monday 9 November 2015

Post 74—Refugees: Ezra Levant’s Take

Ezra Levant does not sweep sensitive or unpopular news under the carpet. Instead, he accuses main stream media of doing so. He distributes hard news that most people don’t like to hear, for it upsets them. Personally, I want to hear both the soft and the hard, the main stream and “the other,” such as Levant’s.

Perhaps by Levant’s standards the previous two posts about refugees were relatively soft, easy to read and to digest. Even though there might have been some surprises and certainly some reasons for serious disconcertion, those posts would not keep you awake at night. And they might even be true! Who can tell when it comes to media, whether soft or hard.

But today, it’s hard stuff, right from Levant’s heart, stuff that is almost sure to upset you. But you need to hear it. Putting your head in the sand may help you sleep, but it won’t help us get our refugee policies right. And getting them right is crucial for the future of our nation and of the Western world as a whole. So, here I share a Levant post with you—from the other side, if you like.

I’m getting away easy today, since I blatantly copy his. I believe that in so doing, I am advancing the cause he is advancing—as well as that of the entire country, rightly conceived. Okay, here goes Levant:


POLL: 31% of Syrian migrants support ISIS terrorists (Ezra Levant ( 02/11/2015 .

Justin Trudeau says he’s going to import 25,000 Syrian migrants by Christmas. That’s six or seven weeks from now. How is he going to do security checks on 25,000 people, coming from a terrorist no-man’s-land, in seven weeks? Remember, this is the same Liberal Party that doesn’t even think you should have to show picture ID, or take off your niqab, to vote. Trudeau has no clue how to screen for terrorists.

But what about Syrian migrants who haven’t committed violence — but who support terrorism, and sharia law, and extremism? What about them? It’s a serious problem: an opinion poll of 900 Syrian migrants shows that nearly a third of Syrian “refugees” support terrorist groups. The poll, taken last year by the Arab Centre for Research and Public Policy Studies, shows that 31% of Syrian migrants in refugee camps in the region do not want the Islamic State to be defeated. They’re cheering for the terrorists. 
So, out of 25,000 Syrian refugees Trudeau wants to bring in, 7,500 could be ISIS supporters.

It gets worse. In that same survey, only 10% of Syrian migrants say radical Islam is a serious problem. But 41% say America or the Jews are. Great: so we’ll be importing thousands of bigots, anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists. You simply have to watch my video report on these Syrian migrants, by clicking here. I guarantee you won’t hear a peep about this by any mainstream media outlet.

Yours truly, Ezra Levant

P.S. Be sure to forward this e-mail with your friends and share as your Facebook status.

P.P.S. I know for a fact no other Canadian media are reporting the truth about Trudeau’s rush to bring in 25,000 risky Syrian migrants. Please help us continue our investigative journalism by contributing to our viewer-supported journalism, here.
End of Levant

So, Trudeau II and his cabinet have some serious sorting out to do if they are going to stick to their promise (or is it threat?) to bring in 25,000 of these refugees into Canada before end 2015. Though I am as eager to help genuine refugees as anyone and have as much compassion for them, realism tells me the Government should not even try to meet that quota and keep that promise. Really, it is more a threat than a promise. Trudeau may be ready, but I doubt that the country would be if they were to know the entire truth of the situation. Bring in as many as possible by that time, indeed,  but only after proper check outs. 

Perhaps I should not treat this as a serious issue and regard it only as just another cheap campaign promise. I sure would like it that way.